SEASONAL SERVICES STARTING SOON – May 5th expected start date

It’s time … to think about preparing your irrigation system for the upcoming season

2025 Irrigation Full Service Programs

Standard Service Program: Recommended for most properties to ensure an efficient system for the full season. Includes Start-up & Alignment, midseason check and winterization.

Premium Service Program: Recommended for aging system that generally require minor seasonal repairs. Includes Start-up & Alignment, midseason check, up to 1 hour of labour for repairs (cost of parts not included) and winterization.

Peace of Mind Service Program: Recommended for larger irrigation systems, those that travel through the irrigation season or those requesting priority service. Includes Start-up & Alignment, 2 midseason checks and seasonal adjustments, up to 1.5 hour of labour for repairs (cost of parts not included) and winterization. Service assessments to be completed within 48 hours.

Individual Irrigation Seasonal Services

Start-up & Alignment: A proper start-up will check your system controller, check & align your sprinkler heads and nozzles, inspect the valves & pipes and set your timer.

Midseason service & maintenance: A well maintained system will ensure that your landscape is healthy, your water consumption is low, and your overall costs are down.

Winterization: Fall blowout is critical in our northern climate. All in ground sprinkler system should be professionally blown out to ensure that as much water as possible is removed from the system, your water supply is shut off & your timer is set to the “Off” position.

Additional seasonal services

Landscape changes: Chat with an irrigation technician prior to getting started to ensure that all ground work has been lain for your future irrigation system or landscape lighting.

Landscape lighting maintenance: Lighting makes your property stand out. Start the season off by cleaning the light fixtures … replacing any necessary bulbs or irreparable fixtures

Water feature maintenance: Removing as much build up as possible, replacing all water and providing a water treatment starts the year off on the right foot. Seasonal water treatments can be provided as necessary.

Drip zone repair kit (and lesson): We all know that drip zones require continuous care and frequent changes/additions. Getting a lesson and having a drip kit customized to your specific needs allows you to make small repairs or additions when necessary. We are always here to help with any questions or when bigger changes are necessary.

When to book?

Call us today to sign up for a full service program and become one of our preferred customers. We will provide you with the price and a series of dates for your seasonal services. Please let us know if you have any limitations or specific requests and we will do our very best to personalize your service.

PARK IRRIGATION … the irrigation experience you’re looking for.

Make Park Irrigation your preferred irrigation and landscape lighting specialist.

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